Blondies for breakfast - deliciousness delivered.
Breakfast is by far the hardest meal of the day for me to wrap my brain around. I stumble to the coffee maker, chug a glass of water, down my thyroid meds, and wait for coffee to brew while my thyroid does its thing with the tiny magic pill that makes me functional.
But the hard part comes after the coffee is brewed and my thyroid is awake. Because now I have to feed myself, and sometimes breakfast just feels hard, especially with a picky, food-allergic toddler and my own health-mandated dietary restrictions.
I've found that whatever I can do to help my brain bypass a decision and the logistics of making a meal is the best way for me to get the fuel I need. In other words, easy is, well, easy. And I choose easy food 90% of the time. And what's easier than grabbing a pre-made morning treat with coffee? Nothing. Except if someone brings it to me before I even leave my bed. That would be easier.
1 jar unsalted almond butter (raw is best, but can be pricey)
2 eggs
1 cup sweetener of your choice (I use erythritol for the low glycemic impact, but honey or turbinado works great)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 super dark chocolate bar, chopped
In a medium mixing bowl, add everything except chocolate and combine thoroughly. Mixture will be thicker, more like a dough than batter. Add most of the chocolate chunks, reserving a few to place on top, and combine thoroughly.
Lightly grease a baking pan and line with parchment paper. (Want to know how to do this? Watch the video below.) Spread dough evenly in pan, making sure to distribute it evenly into the corners.
Sprinkle the rest of the chopped chocolate on top of the dough and press lightly into the top. Bake at 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes. It's important that you don't over-bake it because it will turn into a biscotti, not a blondie. You don't want this. Trust me.
Allow to cool slightly, then remove blondies from the pan by lifting out the parchment paper. Slice when cooled or just break them off a hunk at a time when you're ready to eat them.